Danny Cummiskey Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund
Shelton Remembers Danny Cummiskey
Danny Cummiskey attended Shelton, beginning in Lower School and graduating in 2003. In that time he developed into one of the hardest working servants in our world. He was a selfless student who put in as much time helping our school programs as any athlete or coach. He was a manager in sports and gave his time freely without even being asked to do tasks. He loved helping others, and that carried him through his life. He was working at Shelton with Middle School Football as an assistant volunteer manager in the fall of 2017. Due to some health issues Danny passed from this life on October 17th, 2017. Those of us blessed to know Danny miss him and his kind spirit on a regular basis. He was one of the points of light in this world that President George H. W. Bush encouraged.
Danny touched many lives in his 33 years of his kindness and service to others. We all have an opportunity to show our gratitude for Danny by honoring him at Shelton with a scholarship in his name. The Danny Cummiskey Endowed Scholarship Fund honors Danny, and it also honors a deserving Shelton student with financial assistance for tuition.
Contact Us
For more information, please contact the Shelton Development Office at 972-774-1772, Ext. 2230, or email Julie Griffith, Development Officer, at jgriffith@shelton.org.