Endowed Funds
Shelton offers a customized education, tailored to the learning needs of students. But what sets the school apart, is that Shelton offers this customized learning in a mainstream environment. Shelton's students participate in the same activities as any other student in any other school, whether athletics, arts, student clubs or academic clubs.
Data shows that students who are educated within the Shelton model gain a uniquely critical skill set that gives them an advantage over others for both college and adult life.
Our success depends on the ability to continue to build our mainstream environment and programs for educators, areas that can only be expanded through financial support.
A healthy endowment ensures a healthy future for the school, its programs and students. This endowment will greatly enhance and help guarantee Shelton's ability to provide a state-of-the-art education for every student, both today and well into the future.
Shelton has identified four primary opportunities where Endowment support will be important in future years.
- Faculty and Staff Salaries and Benefits
- Financial Aid
- Enhanced Curriculum Programs and Improved Facilities
- Community Outreach/Research
Memorial Endowed Scholarship Funds
Contact Us
For more information, please contact the Shelton Development Office at 972-774-1772, Ext. 2230, or email Julie Griffith, Development Officer, at jgriffith@shelton.org.