Stampede Week FAQ


What is Stampede Week?

Stampede Week is one week for Shelton students to enjoy theme days, collect donations for the annual SHELTON STAMPEDE Auction (the SPA’s largest fundraiser), and win AMAZING prizes!

When is Stampede Week?

Stampede week is January 27-31, 2025.

What are the daily student events?

  • MONDAY, 1/27 – Ice Cream Treat at lunch
  • TUESDAY, 1/28 – TV T-shirt Day (or graphic tee)*
  • WEDNESDAY, 1/29 – Drumline/Cheer at drop-off + MS/US FRIENDS Photo-Op at MS/US Lunch & Sweatpants Try-on
  • THURSDAY, 1/30 – Jersey Day: Wear Your Favorite Sports Team Jersey or T-shirt*
  • FRIDAY, 1/31 – Tailgate Lunch + Shelton Spirit Shirt

What are the guidelines for dress down day?

EC - 4th Grade Guidelines: 

  • Students are expected to follow uniform guidelines and wear school-approved shoes, pants, shorts or skirts for these days.
  • Caps and hats are not to be worn in the building. 
  • If you are uncertain about proper attire, please check with your advisory teacher. Students who come with inappropriate attire will be asked to change. Parents will be called to bring proper clothing items if necessary.

5 - 12th Grade Guidelines: 

  • Students are expected to follow uniform guidelines and wear school-approved shoes, pants, shorts or skirts for these days. 
  • Caps and hats are not to be worn. 
  • If you are uncertain about proper attire, please check with your advisory teacher. Students who come with inappropriate attire will be asked to change. Parents will be called to bring proper clothing items if necessary.

How to donate?

Parents can donate online at If you prefer to send a gift card, you may send it with your child to their advisor during Stampede Week.  Please email with any questions about donations.

What should I donate?

  • Gift cards $25 or above
  • Sporting Event Tickets (Dallas, Cowboys, Rangers, Mavericks, etc.)
  • Concert Tickets
  • Airline Miles or Vouchers
  • Vacation Homes or Timeshares
  • Spa & Beauty Packages
  • Private Dinner Experiences

All items collected will be used to raise funds for the SHELTON STAMPEDE Auction.

What are the prizes for 2025?

To qualify for prizes, donations need to be received by Friday, January 31st at noon.

Advisory Prize: Class Cookie Party!
For advisories with 100% participation ($25+ online donation or gift card), the class will receive a class cookie party to celebrate!

Individual Prizes: In addition to the class cookie party, students can earn the following individual prizes for donating $100+ (online donation or gift card).

EC-4th: 2025 Limited Edition Plush Charger.  Collectible stuffed horse comes with a fun accessory each year!

5th-12th: 2025 Stampede Sweatpants.  Stampede Sweatpants can be worn EVERY FRIDAY until the end of the school year! The sweatpants size guide is below.  On Wednesday at lunch, students can see a full-size run of samples.  Please review the size chart and samples.  There will NOT be size exchanges this year.

How to purchase stampede swag?

Stampede T-shirts are available to purchase at this link.  The last day to purchase is Friday January 31st at NOON.

When can you wear stampede swag?

Stampede T-shirts and sweatpants may be worn on Fridays. Sweatshirts may be worn every day with school uniforms, not just on Fridays. 

How will I receive my purchase?

Purchases and prizes will be delivered to your student’s advisory by February 11th.  If you have more than one student at Shelton, the purchase will arrive at the older student’s advisory.