Inclement Weather Plan
Information will be provided by the following methods:
- Shelton's Website
- Shelton's Facebook Page
- Shelton's Twitter Account
- Telephone Notification System
- Parent Email Lists
Crisis Plan
Action Plan Regarding Military or Terrorist Activity
Shelton has in place many procedures that pertain to emergencies, natural or manmade. Should we experience a crisis related to military or terrorist activity during the school / work day, we will basically respond as described below. Our response will be based on the best information available at the time, the nature of the activity, and the amount of time we have to respond.
In the event of an emergency, and assuming that we are able to do so, we will post updates and instructions on our website, We will also notify families and staff through our web-based notification system.
If any of the situations in bold below, the following will occur:
- Allow student drivers to leave only with parental permission and if possible without jeopardizing others.
- In the event of any emergency, the school will dismiss students to their parents if conditions make it possible. This will be done in an orderly manner by division. The dismissal plan will be posted on our website immediately. Parents will also receive a broadcast instructional email or phone call via our web-based notification system, if conditions allow. Other communication chain measures will be employed, depending on the situation.
- Shelton will dismiss clients / trainees of the Evaluation Center, Speech and Language Therapy, or Teacher Training department if conditions are possible.
Military Action limited to foreign country, but with U.S. ramifications
- Continue school / therapy / business as usual.
- Increase campus security.
Terrorist action in U.S.
- Increase campus security.
- Restrict campus access.
- Suspend off-campus privileges for Upper School students & staff.
- Allow students to leave only with parental permission.
- Decide which, if any, extra-curricular activities will continue.
Terrorist activity in Dallas
- Increase campus security.
- Restrict campus access.
- Suspend off-campus privileges for Upper School students & staff.
- Allow students to leave only with parental permission.
- Decide which, if any, extra-curricular activities will continue.
- Suspend activities on athletics fields or at other athletic centers.
- Restrict school functions to classrooms.
- Be ready for lock-down.
- If evacuation is necessary, and it is practical to do so, students will be escorted to the Dallas Bible Church.
- If advised by emergency and law enforcement agencies, students will be escorted to other locations.
- Decide which, if any, services will continue by the Evaluation Center, Speech & Language Therapy, or Outreach / Teacher Training.
Terrorist activity in Dallas involving biological or chemical weapons
- Lock down campus.
- Students, staff and clients will remain in classrooms / offices unless directed to gym for extended in-place shelter.
- Advisors will remain with students.
- Shut off HVAC units.
- Suspend off-campus privileges for Upper School students & staff.
Preparedness: Shelton has water and food on hand for a short-term emergency. It has battery-powered radios and first aid kits. We encourage each Shelton family to determine its own meeting place and to communicate its whereabouts with all extended family members.