School Profile
Founded in 1976, Shelton School is a private non-profit, non-sectarian, co-ed school serving intelligent students with learning differences (LD) from Early Childhood through grade 12. It has been the turning point for thousands of students. Shelton’s individualized, structured multisensory academic program, especially written for LD students, challenges students by building the necessary skills. Shelton’s niche is providing a customized educational approach with positive, practical solutions matching the needs of LD students. For some, Shelton’s full school program is optimal for the duration of their high school days.
Shelton offers a comprehensive curriculum with a strong academic orientation and a nurturing family atmosphere that considers the physical, intellectual, emotional, and social growth of each student. In addition, the school offers a full array of extra-curricular, fun activities. Whether students leave Shelton to return to a mainstream classroom or head to college, they are equipped to meet the next challenge. Shelton is about helping every child become the absolute best human being he can be, not just academically fit.
While the school is clearly the centerpiece of its mission, Shelton is more than a school. It also encompasses three other major components — a speech & language therapy program, an evaluation center, and an teacher training program, all open to the community. Shelton provides extensive training for professionals who work with LD students and their families. In addition, Shelton is actively involved with research at major institutions, with the goal of identifying and applying the best practices that will help children, youth and their families.
Shelton is accredited through
Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS).
6:1 average student teacher ratio
Teachers trained in 3 countries, 12 states, and 27 cities
1 to 1 laptop program for grades 5 - 12
$7.2 million in college scholarships
100 zip codes represented
Over 2,000 community speech & vision screenings per year
Clients from 3 to 43 years old assessed by the Evaluation Center
Teachers have 19 years average experience; over half have advanced degrees
369 student athletes in 6th - 12th grades
Number of individuals IMPACTED since 1976: Countless
Teachers trained in 3 countries, 12 states, and 27 cities
1 to 1 laptop program for grades 5 - 12
$7.2 million in college scholarships
100 zip codes represented
Over 2,000 community speech & vision screenings per year
Clients from 3 to 43 years old assessed by the Evaluation Center
Teachers have 19 years average experience; over half have advanced degrees
369 student athletes in 6th - 12th grades
Number of individuals IMPACTED since 1976: Countless